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When Your Cat’s Purr Becomes a Bite

by Albert John December 04, 2017


When Your Cat’s Purr Becomes a Bite

According to behaviorists, there are a lot of probabilities as to why cats can become aggressive over peaceful situations and these are some of them. Probably:


  • Your cat has started to sleep in your lap. Then, suddenly it wakes making it momentarily disoriented by being held by your hands and by his surroundings. After your cat jumps down, it may seem confused and will start to groom itself again to calm down.

  • Nervous or sensitive cats can be overstimulated by prolonged petting. Usually, there are warning signs of the coming attack such as tail twitching, restlessness, head turned toward hand and flattened ears. It’s vital for you, as an owner of the cat, to be wary of these signs and to avoid petting the cat before your cat gets a hold of this certain point 
  • Petting the sensitive stomach area of your cat nearly produces a natural defense reaction all the time that includes holding on, wrapping its paws around the wrist of a person, and biting.

Cats differ according to how much they want to be petted or held by people. Cats that don’t like being held or petted long might still play with their pet parents, sleep on the bed with them, follow them around the house, and even sit on their laps. These behaviors are indicators of attachment. Other cats are huggable and others aren’t. However, both kinds of cats can be attached to their owners equally.

Albert John
Albert John

3 Responses


November 15, 2018

Great info….and 100 % correct??

Julie Lloyd
Julie Lloyd

November 15, 2018

I love all the funny ones about cats just being cats. Really like the tabbies.

helen besaans
helen besaans

November 15, 2018

thank you for all the interesting information you send!

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