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Treating Ear Mites In Cats

by Albert John March 20, 2018

Treating Ear Mites In Cats

Ear Mites in Cats Treatment

If you do not know what ear mites are, they are parasites. Cat ear mites are very contagious. Ear mites will live on the surface of the skin in the ear. These critters can easily be transmitted between other cats and dogs. 

You may notice your cat scratching their ears or shaking their heads abnormally often. You may also see the cat pawing at their ears or red skin inside the ear. The last thing you may notice is a dry brown discharge from the ear. This means that the cat may have ear mites. Ear mites are parasites, as stated above, however, they are microscopic. Ear mites will cause the cat to have what looks like coffee grounds in their ears. This coffee ground look is dark waxy residue.

Cat Ear Mites Treatments

The best thing you can do is treat the problem. Most of the time you can treat it at home with systemic parasitic medications. These are medications that are given through the ear. The medicine will soak up inside the ear. It may also be helpful to clean your cat's ears with a cleanser. This will help remove excess discharge that may remain in the canal of the ear. Because ear mites are contagious, it is recommended that you treat each pet in the house once one animal has them. 

Ear mites will need to be treated in two steps. You will need to clean the ear first and then use the medication prescribed by your vet or the one you have picked up from the store. You will use a cleaning solution to help remove the coffee grounds from the ear of the cat. You will put the cleaning solution in their ear and rub the ear for about fifteen seconds. This will break up the wax. You will then want to use a cotton ball to get the moisture out of the ear and the residue that was left behind. 

The next thing you will do is apply the medication to treat the ear mites. Keep in mind you may need to repeat the treatment depending on how bad the mites are. Make sure you are using medication that is safe for your animal. Some medications are not intended to be used on kittens or older cats. 

When you are using ear mite parasiticides, you should be using them for several days. This will ensure that all the ear mites are gone and that their eggs are as well. If you do not use the medication for seven to ten days, you could miss eggs and they could cause the problem to flare up again. It is important that you are eliminating any potential areas where mites might be. This includes the tail because cats sleep with their tails curled near their head and ears. Cleaning the tail thoroughly is also important when it comes to treating ear mites.

Check out one of the most popular products to treat ear mites with almost 10,000 amazon reviews:


Ear mites are most usually treated at home with systemic parasitic medications or medication in the ear, which are immersed through the skin. While ear mites are very contagious between pets, it’s typically suggested to treat each pet in the household once an animal is diagnosed with ear mites. Once you get your medication, check out the videos below for helpful tips.


 Ear Mite Medication

Click here to see some tweezers you can try using before considering medication.

The medications that you purchase for cat ear mites will be applied directly into the canal of the ear. These medications include Milbernite, Acarexx, and Tresadermo. There are other options that can be applied to the skin and absorbed, like the one above.

These medications will also help prevent fleas, prevent and treat heart-worms, and help treat ear mites. Some medications like this include Revolution and Advantage Multi. If your cat is diagnosed with a secondary bacterial infection or a yeast ear infection, they may have require an antibiotic or topical cream. 

Supportive Care 

Generally, medication will be enough to manage the problem. However, you may need to clean your cat’s ears more frequently if they have debris. You should simply clean the ears of your cat using a commercial cleanser from time to time. If your cat is acting up and there are no signs of ear mites, consider getting them some new toys to play with from a cat subscription box.

You should make sure that all new litters of kittens are quarantined. Always look for ear mite symptoms. Even if you take care of the cats and keep them clean, once one is diagnosed, the rest will likely have ear mites. All felines over eight weeks old should be on a monthly regimen. This will help decrease the risk of ear mites spreading to younger kittens in the home.

If you are looking for more pet friendly tips, then check out our blog. You can also find some great pet supplies here at PetClever!

Albert John
Albert John

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