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Litter Train Your Cats in Just 5 Simple Steps

by Sarene Maev Butao January 14, 2019

Litter Train Your Cats in Just 5 Simple Steps

Cats are naturally smart and clean animals. They groom themselves constantly and try to be prim and proper always. However, it is pretty common for cats to have a certain ‘pooping problem,’ especially if your feline friend is not properly litter trained. That is why litter boxes for cats are a must have if you have cats living together with you, unless you don’t mind the smell of cat droppings when you wake up or seeing it all around your house or room. From one cat lover to another, we all know how important litter training your cat, and we all know how it is not easy. But do not worry! We are here to give you a comprehensive step by step guide in litter training your cats in just five easy and simple steps. Read on more below for more.

Litter Training Your Cats

Step 1: Choosing The Right Litter Box

Naturally, most cats will look for a sandy and granulated area for them to leave their feces. A litter box serves this purpose for being a mobile area for the cat to do their daily deed. This saves time and effort in comparison to letting your cat out for the day. Cat owners often make the common of not spending enough time in choosing the perfect litter box for their cats. Cats are very picky animals and chances are, if they do not like the litter box you bought for them, they won’t use it.

Size is also big factor when it comes to choosing litter boxes. Make sure that the litter box itself is not too small for the cat because it likes to roam around the area before pooping. If your cat is still a kitten, having a bigger box benefits you since it still is appropriate for your cat even if it already grows up.

Another factor you have to consider is how high you want your litter box to be. If your cat is a small breed or you have a senior cat, you have to make sure that the sides are low enough. This is for them to have less difficulty when entering and exiting the litter box. Privacy is also a factor when it comes to cat pooping. Some cats prefer eliminating in public so you might want to look into covered litter boxes as well.

Step 2: Finding the Right Litter

This step is often overlooked by cat owners but this is really important for the learning process. If you are bringing home an already litter trained cat, then use the litter he already had experience of. Some cats prefer having soft grained litter because it is softer for their feet, which makes them more comfortable. Although, different cats have different preferences when it comes to the type of litter they want.

Step 3: Preparing for Transition

Assuming that you have the right litter box for your cat, now it is time for the actual transition. First thing you have to do is finding the location to place your litter box. Consider a peaceful location and don’t put it in a high traffic area as to not disturb the cat or kitten. An ideal litter box location should have the following factors:

  • Provides privacy for the cat
  • Easy and comfortably accessible
  • Quiet, peaceful, and does not have high traffic
  • Sudden noises can frighten the cat which may cause him or her to have a certain fear on that area. You want to make the cat as comfortable as you can so that he or she may frequent that area. Another thing you could do is place the litter box in an area where the cat usually spends most of their time. It is important for the cat to see the litter box as much as possible so that they can learn to use it. If moving the litter box is necessary and cannot be avoided, do not do it suddenly. Gradually move the litter box slowly as to not confuse your cat.

    Step 4: Teaching Your Cat to Use the Litter Box

    Since you have a bigger responsibility when it comes to litter training your cat, you have to be the most hands-on paw parent ever. Learning your cat’s pooping schedule is necessary. Usually, all cats need to relieve themselves after sleeping or taking a nap, after eating, and after playing. Familiarizing yourself with your cat’s schedule allows you to instruct your cat in pooping in the litter box rather than your favorite furniture.

    If your cat has never had the experience of using a litter box, introduce it to them. Mostly, mother cats will teach their kittens in using the litter box. If this is not possible, then you have to do it yourself. Carefully carry your cat to the litter box when you think he is about to eliminate and teach him how to dig. Be patient when doing this and avoid shouting or provoking your feline companion when he or she makes mistakes.

    Step 5: Addressing Mistakes

    Mistakes are common when litter training your cats or kittens, that is why you are there to help them, and not prevent them from learning. If your cat fails to use the litter box when eliminating, do not yell or hit your cat. They do not know better and it takes some time for them to realize that they should be using the litter box when pooping. Yelling at them will also cause the cat to be traumatized and discouraged which may hinder the point of training in the first place. Be patient when training the cat and remember that everything will be worth it in the end. If you plan on traveling with your cat, we have some cat travel bags available online.

    Teaching your cat to use the litter box takes a lot of effort and time. Unless you want your house to smell like cat droppings all the time, then we suggest following the steps above for a cat poop-free house. Have specific steps you want to say? Share it with us in the comments below!

    Sarene Maev Butao
    Sarene Maev Butao

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