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Introducing Your Home To Your New Cat

by Albert John February 26, 2018

Introducing Your Home To Your New Cat

Cats have to be extensively familiar with new surroundings before they will comfortable with it. An entire house or apartment could actually be overwhelming all at once. A lot of cats will hide on under furniture or beds, sometimes for several days. It’ll be less stressful for your cat to learn about yourself, your home, your family little by little. This is even more essential if there are more than one pets or people in your household!


The moment you bring your cat home, put him in a room where you have fixed up for him, let him explore the area first and keep this particular room closed off. Allow your cat to come out of his crate on his own and do not attempt to tip the crate or coax him to force. Most of the cats tend to come out soon to explore their surroundings since they are curious animals. If you feel that he is kind of timid, leave the room for a while and check your cat back later. However, if you badly want to stay in the room, grab a book and read. If the cat musters the courage to come out, you have to stay where you are and allow him to approach you. Talk in a reassuring, soft tone and pet him once he feels interested. Leave the crate open in the room so that he will have a safe retreat the moment he wants one. The key is to give him the time to cope that you can be trusted.

Albert John
Albert John

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