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Fruits and Vegetables: Can My Dog Eat Them?

by Albert John December 17, 2018


Fruits and Vegetables: Can My Dog Eat Them?

As dog owners, part of our responsibility is taking care of them and most importantly feeding them. It is fairly common for dog owners to want to treat their dog by giving them dog treats or table scraps. After all, a small treat like these are not supposed to be harmful to them, isn’t it? Not exactly. Although most human foods are completely edible and safe for our four legged friends, some can be unhealthy and even be dangerous when consumed by dogs.

Dogs are naturally carnivorous so they can perfectly live well without the consumption of fruits and vegetables. But, it does not hurt to give them an occasional treat once in a while to reward them. Just make sure that the fruit or vegetable you are feeding them is safe for dog consumption! Read on below to know more.

Fruits and Vegetables

Let’s go around this list starting from the first letter of the alphabet. Get your pens and take notes!

Apples. Dogs can safely eat apples; in fact, they are a great source of vitamins A and C and fiber for your dog. Apples are naturally low in fat and protein, so they are also a perfect snack for adult dogs. If the weather is hot, try freezing the apples for a cold snack. Make sure to remove the seeds and the core of the apple before feeding it.

Apricot. This a very good treat not just for dogs but also for cats as well. Apricot is full of potassium and beta carotene which is proven to help in fighting cancer. Make sure that you feed only the fruit and not the poisonous stem, leaves, and pit.

Asparagus. Although it is perfectly safe fog dog consumption, there is no actual point of it. Asparagus have a bitter taste and too tough when given to dogs raw. Asparagus also loses their nutrients when boiled soft enough so dogs wouldn’t actually benefit from it. Choose a vegetable that is beneficial for dogs.

Avocado. It maybe a healthy snack for pet owners and a trend among millenials, dogs should not be fed avocado for all the right reasons. Persin, is a toxin that can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. The same toxin can be found in the pit, skin, and the leaves of the avocados. Even if the flesh of the fruit does not contain as much persin as the rest of the parts do, it is still enough to be harmful when consumed by pooches.

Bananas. Many dogs love the taste of bananas! They are really easy to feed and full of natural sugar that converts immediately into energy when digested by dogs. Just make sure to feed them in moderation because bananas is full of sugar, making this a regular diet can be harmful in the long run. Nevertheless, bananas are extremely helpful and is even proven to support the heart and kidney functions.

Blueberries. Again, another favorite snack of dog owners that is safe for dogs. So next time you are eating one, throw a handful to your dog as a treat. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamin c, and resveratrol. They can also help in preventing cell damage and tissue damage.

Brussel Sprouts. Not a popular choice among pet owners because of its distinguishable taste, brussel sprouts are a great snack for dogs. They are full of nutrients and antioxidants like vitamins A, B1, B6, K, G, potassium and manganese. If your dog likes the taste of brussel sprouts, give it to them in moderation because they can cause a bad case of gas.

Carrots. Another healthy choice for your dogs, carrots are an excellent choice for they are high in both beta CARROTene (Get it?) and fiber. They produce vitamin A, C, and K and is good for your dog’s skin, eyesight, and for their teeth and gums. Give this to your dog raw as a crunchy snack they can munch and eat all the way.

Cauliflower. Either cooked or raw, cauliflower is a great snack to share with your dog. The vitamins and antioxidants it contains can even be helpful in senior dogs with arthritis, problems in digestion, and inflammation. Give it in moderation because too much can lead to an upset stomach.

Cherries. Cherries should not be fed to the dogs because they contain cyanide which is extremely toxic. When consumed, cherries disrupts the cellular oxygen transport making your dog’s blood cells not get enough oxygen. If your dog accidentally consumed cherries, look for difficulty breating, dilated pupils, and red gums for these are the common signs of cyanide poisoning.

Grapes. Although really tempting to feed to your dogs, grapes are really toxic when consumed by our canine companions. On extreme cases, grape consumption can lead to an acute sudden kidney failure which can be fatal. Do not think twice when not feeding this fruit.

Green Beans. Green beans are a great food for you and your dog. They contain a wide variety of omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Some of these minerals and vitamins are calcium, potassium, niacin, iron, fiber, folic, thiamin, and vitamins A, C, K.

Mango. This is a really refreshing fruit to serve to your dog. Mangoes contain four different vitamins – vitamins A, B6, C, and E, plus both alpha carotene and beta carotene. Just like any fruit with a pit, remove it first because it contains cyanide and can choke the dog when consumed.

Spinach. Considered a super food in humans and dogs, spinach is proven to be helpful in all aspects of your dog’s health. Do not give really large portions when feeding this to your dog because too much can be harmful to your dog’s kidneys.

Strawberries. Fresh, frozen, raw, or pureed, strawberries are a wonderful when fed to your dog. They are full of fiber and vitamin c, and contain an enzyme that can whiten your dog’s teeth when eaten. Strawberries are a fun way of giving treats to your dog.

After all this food talk, your pooch may need a bed for dogs to get some rest. If you want to travel safely with your dog, check out our other traveling dog crates here.

Once in a while, giving treats is not a bad thing. Just make sure that it is safe for your dogs, and does not cause them any harm in the future. Got some fruits and vegetables to share? Tell us in the comments!

Albert John
Albert John

3 Responses

Sue Giummarra
Sue Giummarra

January 10, 2019

How about peas, piNeaPple and watermelon for dogs?


January 10, 2019

My dogs love raw kale and snap peas

Gail D Williams
Gail D Williams

January 08, 2019

Thank you for the info.

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